George Have Blog

Its hard to be a baby

8 Months Pregnant

on August 6, 2013

Not too much longer now! It’s crazy to me that we are only 2 months away. We have the nursery almost ready to go (just need some diapers!) and I have a few other things to get. We have a baby prep day planned for this weekend to get our bags packed. I also need to make some freezer meals.

I had a doctors appt yesterday and the baby looked amazing. Perfect size, great amount of fluid and we watched him practicing breathing. The doctor was so impressed that he was doing so well with the breathing practice at 32 weeks. Since I am high risk I will go every week for monitoring and fluid/size checks. But she said he was the healthiest looking baby she had seen all day and considering the number she had seen–that was saying something! She doesn’t expect any issues to come up.

How far along? 32 weeks 4 days

Total weight gain/loss: Now up about 20 pounds–Put on some good weight last month. Doctor was happy. At this rate I’ll probably gain what I did with George, about 28-30 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Oh my yes.

Stretch marks? Nope. At my doctors appt yesterday she was amazed that I didn’t have any. She actually said “I want to be you when I grow up!” She also told me to hide from other pregnant ladies. No linea nigra yet either, which is odd because I’m pretty sure I had it with G by now.

Sleep: Once I’m asleep I’m pretty good. I’m getting up once a night to pee. Getting up is SO hard though and because it’s so painful it can take me awhile to fall back asleep.

Movement: So many BIG movements. My whole stomach shudders and changes shape constantly. And this kid gets hiccups a lot!

Food cravings: Food.

Gender: boy.

Belly Button in or out? OUT

Wedding rings on or off? On. I had a tiny bit (only noticeable to me–Clay thinks its in my head) of swelling in my feet when it was super hot, but now that its cooled off I’m not having any swelling.

What I miss: Moving around with freedom. I watch Clay get in and out of bed, or roll around in bed, or get up and down off the floor with ease and I’m very jealous.

What I am looking forward to: As of Sept 2nd I will be working from home full-time. This is very nice because it makes my life a lot easier and I’m more productive because I don’t have to commute or walk incredibly slowly in and out of the building. I may sound lazy. That’s fine. Mainly I’m working from home because my labor is expected to be short and I want to stay close to my hospital. Yay!

32 week shot of me:



One response to “8 Months Pregnant

  1. Chris says:

    So pregnant and such a beautiful smile!

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