George Have Blog

Its hard to be a baby

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Our daycare took a field trip to the pumpkin patch. Happily, Grandmomma Williams was visiting and was able to join us. Clay and I both took off work and joined in the fun!

George was looking forward to the pumpkin patch so very much. He even talked about it in his sleep! Both he and Henry had such a great time playing with friends, petting the animals and–of course–picking their pumpkin! There was even a corn maze. We had lunch and then came on home. It was such a wonderful day!



















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Playing at Daycare

I love these shots! My big boys!






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First Day at Daycare!

Henry had his first day of daycare on Feb 3rd. Previously, he had been with a nanny at home. It was a hard transition for me, but Henry is doing great. We feel so lucky that we are able to send Henry to the same daycare that George goes to. George really likes having him there and I can see them getting closer. Plus, we know and trust our caregivers already so there was no adjustment.

He is much more sleepy at night! But other than that, he is doing wonderfully.



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Olivia + Henry

Henry is in a nanny share with his buddy Olivia. Olivia and her parents across the street neighbors. She was born one week before Henry.

They are so cute!!



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Our Friend Avery

George spent the day with Avery while her parents were moving. We were so glad he could spend this time with her since she is moving to VA and won’t be at daycare anymore. They had a blast, as long as they both weren’t after the same toy.

The best part was that they totally wore each other out! They both went down great for their naps and slept for hours!!



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Friday favs: Pumpkin patch

George went on his first field trip to a pumpkin patch and farm in MD.

Henry and I tagged along and we had a great time with all our daycare friends. We went on a hay ride and other fun adventures.

And George took his time and picked the perfect pumpkin–he takes after his nana!!





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We had quite a Valentine’s Day this year! First the good news! George got some adorable gifts, including this adorable monkey from Great-Grandma Rigel.



We also had a fun time with daycare making and getting Valentines. I made these for George’s classmates. And George got some adorables treats in return!



The bad news is that Clay and I got take out from outback that night and they were so slammed that our food was beyond cold when we got it home. It had to be completely recooked. And they forgot my sauces…so I had to go back and get them. I was so livid with them that the lady just refunded my meal so I wouldn’t get all the other angry patrons worked up. 🙂

And THEN George woke up around 2am puking all over the place. He got a bath and we put him back to bed, but threw up several more times. He was pretty much better by morning. POor guy.

How romantic.

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Daycare update

George has been at daycare for about 1 month now and so much has changed from the last post about it!

He is doing SO well now.

Separation Anxiety: Worlds better!! He sometimes cries in the morning, but its much more rare now. And its more of just a whimper when it does happen. But most of the time now, he just goes off to play. We still leave pretty quickly. He also used to cry when I would return to pick him up, but he doesn’t do that anymore. He usually just smiles at me and comes over, or goes back to what he is doing.

Last friday I came for Laurelea’s birthday party and it was lots of fun. He even stayed in his seat and ate cake! Lots and lots of cake (see below!). Haha.

Eating: I don’t know if he is having a growth spurt or what, but George has improved SO much with eating–at daycare and at home. He eats a TON now. He uses his hands and sometimes even uses a spoon.

Sleeping: Also great! He takes his two naps a day and doesn’t cry when he goes down for his naps. The hardest part of the daycare transition for me was seeing him so tired. I wasn’t used to that and he would get cranky and frustrated so easily. I hated seeing him like that and I knew what was causing it. I just couldn’t do anything but wait it out.

But it worked and he has adjusted beautifully.


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Sunshine Daycare

On January 2nd, George started daycare for the first time at Sunshine Bilingual Family Daycare. Until that day, he was home with one of us, his grandparents or his nanny. My goal when George was born was to wait for daycare until he was at least 1-year-old–and we met it! George was 13 months. I also wanted him to be walking. And he walked on Jan 1st! Whew, that was close.

I feel so fortunate that our childcare situation has worked out so well over George’s life. Our closest friends use the same daycare, so we have tons of support. It feels like a community watching over him.

For example, when our friend Misty was dropping Laurelea off, he recognized her and started to fuss. She held him for 15 minutes until he was feeling better. When she left he was happily chowing down on waffles. Hearing that did my heart good. Hooray for great friends.

George on his first day:


I decided to wait until a week after he started to post about it on the blog because I wanted to have a more accurate picture of how he was doing. It has now been a week and we are definitely still in transition, but things are looking up.

Separation Anxiety: He didn’t really cry the first day at drop off, but now cries everyday when we start to take his jacket and shoes off. At first he cried on and off all morning. But now he is crying less and less everyday. By the time the afternoon rolls around, he is playing and acting normal. When I come to pick him up he gets overcome with emotion and cries or fusses. This has gotten better each day as well. He says MAMA UP very clearly when I come in the door. He also wants to nurse immediately. He hits me in the chest and cries when I put him in the carseat.

I am SO grateful that I am still nursing. When we get home, he nurses for 15-30 minutes and most of that is really ‘mommy time’ where we can connect, he can relax and he knows that he is home.

Eating: This is improving. Nubia was very concerned last week because he didn’t eat very much at meals. I anticipated this would be hard on our boy. He is used to long, leisurely meals where the focus is 100% on him. Now, there are 5 kids eating around him and lots of distractions. Also, the food is all different and new. Of course this is an adjustment, but a good one. He needs to be exposed to more food. On Tuesday, he made a big turn around and ate all his meals and snacks. Nubia was really pleased and so was I!

Sleeping: His little tired face has been the hardest thing on me. He was not napping there very much so by the time I would get him he would be so shockingly tired. I’m used to a very well rested boy who takes two 2-hour naps during the day. He was cranky. George doesn’t really DO cranky, so that been really hard to see. He went to bed at 6:30/7pm for the first few nights and sleep 12 hours straight. But again, on Tuesday (I think this is related to him having a full belly as well) he took TWO long naps!! He was himself all evening. Great to see this improvement.

Other notes: Cloth diapering at daycare is going well . They are awesome about it. I send clean ones in the morning and they send home dirty ones in a wet bag each night.

We drop him off at 7:45/8am, pick up at 3:45/4pm.

He takes a cup of whole milk with him to daycare but doesn’t really drink it.

He shares a cubby with Laurelea.

He sits in the middle seat at meal time. When I come to get him they are usually having snack. He is facing away from me at the table and the back of his round head looks JUST like Clay’s. Love it.


I’m keeping notes on all of this stuff to track his progress and will update again in a week or two!